
Our Vision

Here at Constitution and Reform, we have a vision of the United States of America that our founding fathers had, and we believe that it has been greatly corrupted.

Ever since the turn of the 20th century, the United States has been straying away from its republican and free nature and more and into an imperial empire. First, in 1913, there was the implementation of the income tax, which would grow endlessly since then, to pay for an ever growing and bureaucratic state, which now criminalizes, regulates or taxes the irrelevant and unimportant to pay for its every growing expansion. Again in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed, centralizing the monetary system and robbing people of their own personal savings. Though, it is a far more insidious than just that, printing money and selling it back to us. Totally unaccountable to the American public and government, created behind closed doors, even the man who created it, Woodrow Wilson, said this of it six years later: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my great nation. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men”. As Andrew Jackson did to the Second Bank of America, we must “cut the head off the hydra”.

Later, upon our entry in the First World War, a new war was waged upon our liberties. I must first clarify though that Germany did directly attack us and so our entry in the war was just. However, while Wilson and Congress were proclaiming a war war of liberty in Europe, they were fighting a war against liberty in the United States. The two passed various laws violating the constitutional rights of American citizens, most notoriously the Espionage Act of 1917 which punished opposition to the war as though it was espionage. Expanded by the Sedition Act of 1918 to include “any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States … or the flag of the United States, or the uniform of the Army or Navy”. Whatever that means. And if you believe that those laws are history and only passed in times of need for “national security”, not only are you wrong about the fact that they have not gone away, as they have been used by the government as excuses for further wars on freedom, but you have just provided the government with reason to wage further war on freedom in the future. I cannot think of anything more unpatriotic or un-American than rejection of the constitution and the principles of life, liberty and property that our nation was founded upon.

Just over a decade later, the United States found its American Hitler: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is true, that the terms “fascist”, “Nazi” or “literally Hitler” have been thrown around excessively recently, but their resemblances are uncanny. Apart from the fact that each of them were sworn into office in 1933, only leaving office upon death in 1945 and lead their countries in WWII, there is more to the parallels that are insidious. With Executive Order 6102, Roosevelt confiscated all privately owned gold, forever enslaving the United States to the Federal Reserve regardless of what happens to it and completely destroying the gold standard with people not being allowed to any longer back their own money with their own gold. Of course, he did this under the guise that owning gold is “greed”. And as we all know, Hitler did the same with Jewish-owned gold deeming Jews greedy hoarders and traitors. Roosevelt also took full advantage of the Sedition Act of 1918, arresting his opponents as Hitler did once he took power. Later, Roosevelt also signed the Smith Act into law, which explicitly criminalizes being a fascist, communist or anarchist. Of course, it was also up to the government to define these terms, so if you were deemed some sort of radical, you could say hello to jail. Each one drove up national spending and debt to pay for new federal programs that did nothing but drug the people into reliance on the federal government, allowing them to expand their powers, corruption and evils without the people raising a finger. With Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and Hitler’s welfare state. Each one managed to also carry out these arrests with intensive monitoring of their people by their respective federal secret police forces, the Gestapo for Nazi Germany and the FBI for the United States. Both Hitler and Roosevelt restricted firearm ownership in their respective countries, with Hitler doing so to ban all non-NSDAP members from getting guns, by first mandating gun registration and FDR beginning the war on the second amendment, by signing the National Firearms Act of 1934 into law. This law mandated registration of all firearms in the country. As history has shown us, registration is merely the first step towards confiscation. Upon the outbreak of WWII for both the United States and Germany, the leaders of each respective nation deemed being born the wrong race, Japanese for the Americans and Jewish and Slavic for the Germans, was the same thing as treason, espionage and disloyalty. Of course, this is not to compare the horrors of the Holocaust to that of Japanese Internment, but if the German people had no idea what was going on inside the camps, who is to say the American people did? Fortunately, Congress stopped Roosevelt’s “Second Bill of Rights”, which would have been the final nail in the coffin to drug the American people into government reliance, and as a result, control. Unfortunately, nearly every president since him has been trying to slowly implement it with success.

After World War Two came to a close, Harry Truman was the first president of this new much more globalized world. He facilitated the creation of the IMF, World Bank and UN. Because since federalizing everything did not work and merely created a powerful bureaucracy whose power far exceeds that of local government and a federal government with powers far beyond what the founding fathers would have ever wanted did not work, why not globalize it? Harry Truman, also created the CIA and NSA, organizations who would soon violate every constitutional right of every American and spread their tentacles not only abroad, entrenching themselves into foreign governments, but also our own, creating our very own “Deep State”. Harry Truman also began the American policy of never-ending war, not fighting wars to win them, but to perpetuate them to ensure personal liberty will be extinguished in the minds of every American forever, in favor of “national security”, paving the way for the Cold War. Much like how Wilson wished to fighting Prussianism abroad while importing it; how Roosevelt wished to fight fascism and racism abroad while importing it; Truman would now fight communism while importing it. Truman, the president who fully transformed the American Republic into the American Imperial Empire, all the while intentionally sabotaging European empire due to the evils of empire. Hail Emperor Harry I, am I right?

This new empire that we have created has also mandated foreign alliances and entanglements that Washington had warned us about. For example, after 9/11, instead of completely and totally annihilating Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who funded it, alongside the Islamic terrorists who carried it out, we went after Saddam Hussein for no good reason and we carried out a long war in Afghanistan that produced no results for it was more important to use the War on Terror to expand government and spread tyranny in the United States than to actually do any winning. Our alliances and imperial petrodollar interests would not allow us to go after the real perpetuators. These foreign alliances and entanglements have always lead to us to cave to international demands and worry about what other countries may think of us. What is amusing about this point of view however is that they seem to forget that we were born a republic in the ideas of dissent and liberty in a world of authoritarian monarchies, who would consider both dissent and liberty treason. What is funny is that if they had our worries, we would not exist. Long gone are the days of “millions for defense, not one cent in tribute”, given how much foreign aid we give to other countries.

Nor should we forget the price of our empire, we went from an era when a 3% tea tax was considered outrageous, to today, where a 30+% income tax is not only acceptable, but considered LOW. The cost of the military, secret police and the enslavement of the masses to the state via government programs is clearly expensive, and with the sheer violation of our rights it produces, is it really worth it? I would argue no. What is the purpose of protecting the liberty of others if you have none? Worst of all, those who our empire has protected from destitution and absolute totalitarianism despises us mocks us for not being as much of government-worshippers as they and demanding that everyone who opposes the globalist agenda be arrested and that no mainstream thought can be questioned legally; that they hate our Constitution and love it when we elect redcoats who hate it as much as they do and wish to shred every amendment, especially the first two. Not only do they do all of that, but they have implemented further totalitarianism upon themselves, with free speech and the right to bear arms being totally alien concepts to them while also somehow considering opposition to this is “fascism”. Ironically, they arrest these “fascists”. We have saved France from total societal collapse, protecting Belgium from the wrath of their rape, and helped destroy the German Empire hell bent on domination over all of Europe in WWI; gave generous loans and lend-lease deals to the British and Soviets, which the latter even admitted without it they would have lost, and finally changed the course of the war in the west from being a defensive war for Britain to being an offensive one upon entry, saving Europe from totalitarianism and wrath of Nazism; during the Cold War protected Western Europe from communist and Soviet domination and tyranny, essentially paying for their armies, allowing them to spend even more money to pamper the citizens with “free stuff”; and continuing to essentially pay for the entire military of almost all of Europe, while the howl anytime the US suggests that they meet their treaty requirements. Are these the people we want as allies? People for whom we have spent much money and blood for and who jeer at us in return? No thank you.

The two of us who run this love our country, but our country does not love itself. It has grown into a bureaucratic government filled with little tyrants, kings and emperors. We even have our own little royal dynasties, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Romneys, and others. We have a tax system which is out of control, yet somehow so is our national debt. Though we do love our country, true patriotism isn’t unconditional support for your country, at least that is not the case in the United States, true patriotism is being true to our national values. So we, a Texan and a New Mexican, would rather be citizens of a republic of our respective states, than subjects of an American Empire. Let the Europeans, Africans and Asians deal with the trouble of empire! Let they deem dissent as treason! Let they define government as divine! For history and modernity have both concluded that that is what they want. Not us! We should stand by our founder’s values and remain unconditionally loyal to two things: Freedom and Liberty!

Republican FISA Memo

At this point in time, I imagine that everyone is familiar with the FISA Memo. If not, here is a link to it:


So, now that you have all read it, here are my two cents.

This should be a huge deal. This shows corruption on an extreme scale in the anti-Trump camp. Christopher Steele, paid by the Clintons, wrote the now infamous Trump dossier which he also submitted to Yahoo News, and to obtain the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, the evidence he used to corroborate the Yahoo News article was his own dossier. Not only does this show the incredibly low threshold for acquiring a FISA warrant. We all knew that the Clintons are corrupt. They are a criminal dynasty. However, what I personally find most disturbing and outrageous about this whole ordeal is how easy it is to get a FISA warrant to get the FBI spy on your political opponents. Not only is Yahoo News, well, Yahoo News, and not a credible news source, and not only did the dossier have no evidence to back up the ridiculous claims within it, but the latter was used to corroborate the former and the latter was used as evidence for the claims of the former in the article they wrote.

Of course, the mainstream media is trying to pass this off as both a big “nothing burger” or a “dud”, yet also claiming this is a huge threat to “national security”. The cognitive dissonance there is enormous. However, the more sinister connotation to this in my view is that the media who are supposed to be the ultimate guards of the truth against governmental lies and overreach and now complacent in it. Of course, this is nothing new. The mainstream media has always turned a blind eye to events that don’t suit their agenda, or that make their parent-company and governmental donors look bad, but these revelations are of such magnitude that they make Watergate look like a big “nothing burger”. And revealing this memo is not a threat to “national security”, and even if it was, then so be it. You cannot expect to trade liberty for security and have either at the end of the day.

However, he fundamental problem with this is the fact that American citizens, for any reason, can be spied on in this way. The Deep State bureaucrats are totally unaccountable, and so are the politicians in Congress and every other branch of government. Do you really expect Republicans or Democrats would do anything to limit their power? Of course not. They want power, and the more powerful the government is, the more powerful they are. They only seem to care about governmental accountability when they’re out of power, and even then it is more just lip-service for both parties ultimately have the same goals, just different ideas as to how to get there. People must stand up to their 4th amendment rights and the national security argument can be damned. Politicians will use and abuse the power of the various Hydra-headed bureaucrats to expand governmental powers. Rarely does it occur that Congress passes a law screwing you over, more often it is some bureaucratic agency that is created for “national security” and grows by itself as the leaders are accountable to no one and they end up abusing their power, going after political opponents and violating every amendment in the Constitution while doing so. I am sure more such info will come out in the future about the inner workings of Washington, and only God can save us from it at this point, because revelation after revelation has never lead to any change or any outcry to shrink the government, merely to expand it in the opposite direction.